วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2563

เหมียว ๆ เดย์: International Cat Day 8 Aug.

 The 8th August marks the International Cat Day.

You'd be surprised to know that Thailand has ranked No.8 of the country that feeds 33% of cats! Russia has ranked no. 1. (นสพ.ข่าวสด)

I hope you treat your cat / boss very well. Why do you think we have this kind of special day for cats? Any ideas? Let's find more info. and we probably talk about this issue in class.
Well, you may see that my cat is very shy. She doesn't want to show her face so she tried to cover it, but she forgot that she now shows her full breast!

On weekdays, I teach in class, but on weekends I need to spare time to tutor my cat. This cat regularly knocks my bedroom door so early in the morning. Apart from asking for cat food, I think it would like to read, too. Reading is my culture and now it becomes the cat's culture as well:)
Keep reading!

