วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2563

Alternative Activities during COVID-19 outbreak

What do I do during COVID-19 pandemic? 

1. Planting veggies and flowers. ( From pic:)
Mint, Papaya, Eggplant,  มะเขือยาวโหระพา สะระแหน่ เข็ม บานชื่น แพงพวย คุณนายตื่นสาย สาวเชียงใหม่ พุทธรักษา ดาวกระจาย )

2. Making yogurt + lemon with Anda
3. Making mango jam with mum
4. Making Turkish rice pudding (Sutlac) from Youtube. / Also watched Lebanese rice pudding making. ( P'Yoon, P'Tip, & Dee have tried it)
5. The stories of Fulbrighter's published on 1 July on FB: Fulbright Thailand. 
6. Translating Thai - Eng. (Kris Making) created by Ryan, an American short film makers
7. Translating Eng. - Th. ( Art of Social Innovators)
8. Learning WEBex, TSU MOOC, Google Classroom
9. Online meeting (Dept.meeting, Workshop meeting) 
10. Experiencing washable cloth sanitary pad (Apr.-May). It's amazing. Since then, I won't use normal sanitary pad anymore, if possible. 
11.  Cooking ( watching Youtube and cookbook): Turkish rice pudding, yogurt, mango jam, pumpkin soup, กล้วยจี่ 
12. Beach cleanup ( 25 Aug. 2020 early morning +  
13. Banana / Apple/ Passion fruit  jam making
14. Having online language assistant: Jeremy & Christina / Meghan & David ( Basic Eng.)
15. Host Butter's How to Deal with Depression': Thurs. 17/09/2020 (2.30-3.30 pm.) 
16. Read novels ( วันหลัง / ขวัญกล้า / นิยายของ "อุณหภูมิปกติ" / กุ๊ชโฉ๋
17. Attending the book talk by คุณผุสดี นาวาวิจิตร ผู้แปลโต๊ะโตะจัง & คุณรัศมี ผู้แปลวรรณกรรมสเปน "กุ๊ชโฉ่" / 
17. Watch movies 
- Toilet ( Indian)
-Namaste London
- PK (again)
- The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
- 365 (Polish movie) 
-Gujan Saxena, Indian movie based on true story of the female pilot

Online class 2nd time: with the Christian family

Today was my second time of teaching online English class via WEBex. I was excited as I had class from 9-11 am., but I still couldn't share file ( Unlock textbook). Fortunately, N'Keng was in her office, so I asked for her help.  She's a new gen who is good at technology.

Such a relief, this time I could share listening / audio file so students could hear the audio file of the cleverness of a chimpanzee called Panzee.

We've studied Unit 1 with the theme of 'Animal' esp. animal right and animal cruetly.  I invited Jeremy and Christina to be my class guest speakers. Happily, they accepted my invitation even it's a short notice. ( I sent msg to them in the morning around 8 am. and my class was starting at 9 am.)

Students in my S116 group includes students from Community Development and Thai majors. They are shy to speak Eng., but I assigned them beforehand that they got to write the questions they want to ask this family in chat box and I would select the questions I like.  Later, I picked 10 questions from students and from 10-10.20 am. I let them ask questions.  Initially, I told them that I'd call some students to translate their replies, but later I came up with the idea that Christina could do that so that students will see how good their Thai language are.

At the end of the class, students were supposed to leave their feedback of what they have learned this morning. They could write about animals and what they have learned from the American family.  Most students have given positive feedback that they get inspired to practice Eng. more. They'd keep practicing Eng.

Gift of grace, said Christina .

-----FB Post by Jeremy------------

Thanks Ajarn
Diyaporn Wisamitanan
for inviting us to join your university class today online! We enjoyed our time. And the students asked very good questions.

วันศุกร์ที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2563

The Little Prince & I ( Book recommendation)

'The Little Prince' is one of the books I always highly recommend students to read. I've just checked from Google and found that it's been translated into 250 languages!

I took an opportunity to introduce 'The Little Prince' to Ed. Eng. major freshmen of 1 term / 2020.

Assignment 2: Your favorite book (Deadline: Tues. 7 July 2020)
  1. Post 1 picture of you holding a book. ( It should be your favorite book if possible). Give reasons why you love that book or anything you want to share with friends.
  2. Bring 1-2 books from home to our class. We'll have 'Book Discussion Program' in class. ( You are supposed to be able to share with friends in front of class the reason you bring those books to class. At the end of book discussion, students are supposed to exchange books with classmates for a few week.)
A book is a kind of drugs, to me. I've spend at least 1 hour a day to read books. I exercise to make me physically active, but books are more important than that. They always keep me mentally active. During COVID-19 pandemic, I mostly have stayed at home; however, I don't get bored as I've plenty of books on my bookshelves waiting for me to read. They feel lonely and wonder when I will pick them up.

There are some books that I read repeatedly. One of them is 'The Little Prince'. I strongly recommend that all Eng. majors should read this book. Then, you'll surely fall in love with the Little Prince. The famous quote from this book is ' The most beautiful thing in the world can't be seen or touched,they are felt with your heart'. I planned to use this book as our outside reading book in our class, but since it's been translated into 250 languages! How amazing!
** I took this pic. at 'ร้านหนังสือเล็กๆ' at Yaring Rd. I just knew this year after visiting this bookstore for many times that the bookshop owner translated 'The Little Prince' into Thai! Wow! Neat!