Today was my second time of teaching online English class via WEBex. I was excited as I had class from 9-11 am., but I still couldn't share file ( Unlock textbook). Fortunately, N'Keng was in her office, so I asked for her help. She's a new gen who is good at technology.
Such a relief, this time I could share listening / audio file so students could hear the audio file of the cleverness of a chimpanzee called Panzee.
We've studied Unit 1 with the theme of 'Animal' esp. animal right and animal cruetly. I invited Jeremy and Christina to be my class guest speakers. Happily, they accepted my invitation even it's a short notice. ( I sent msg to them in the morning around 8 am. and my class was starting at 9 am.)
Students in my S116 group includes students from Community Development and Thai majors. They are shy to speak Eng., but I assigned them beforehand that they got to write the questions they want to ask this family in chat box and I would select the questions I like. Later, I picked 10 questions from students and from 10-10.20 am. I let them ask questions. Initially, I told them that I'd call some students to translate their replies, but later I came up with the idea that Christina could do that so that students will see how good their Thai language are.
At the end of the class, students were supposed to leave their feedback of what they have learned this morning. They could write about animals and what they have learned from the American family. Most students have given positive feedback that they get inspired to practice Eng. more. They'd keep practicing Eng.
Gift of grace, said Christina .
-----FB Post by Jeremy------------
Thanks Ajarn
Diyaporn Wisamitanan
for inviting us to join your university class today online! We enjoyed our time. And the students asked very good questions.