Hi there!!! After spending almost 2 months, I think this is the best time to share you all what I have completed during summer vacation.
Before the final examination, there were so many things I planned to do in summer break. However, there was only one thing standing out in my mind as my special plan. That was internship at Consulate General of Malaysia, Songkhla.
I have got such memorable experience that I’ve never gained before. In the first month, I worked in VISA department and I was so proud of myself to be part of VISA process.
For the second month, I moved to the translator and interpreter department. Honestly, the first time I stepped to the department I was a bit nervous. Hahaha. I wondered what I was going to be assigned. Yes!!! I was asked to translate lots of letters and news both in English & Thai. Additionally, I got chances to go working outside the office which I truly loved, namely, breaking fast at the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre on Ramadan, joining the Musician Garden and Ambassador Cuisine events, and also outing in Malaysia.
Although working was so hard and tiring, all officers made me happy. It was because they all were generous to me and they bought me food and drink a lot lol
Nothing to say except thank you they all for giving me such nice relationship and good working experience. It’ll be in my remembrance ever.
Reporter: Amir